Noah is 21 months old. we are again! We're all moved and settled back in pretty well now, but still decided to keep tot school kind of light this past week. Given Noah's recent attitude changes, I think we'll be keeping the activities light for a while until I can get a better control of his behavior. It certainly it improving, but slowly. I have to remind myself that this is a completely normal stage and that I have to choose my battles wisely. Overall, I can't complain...even at his worst behavior moments, Noah is the best little guy I could ever ask for:)
Letter Ss
Ss is for snake, spider, silly, sort....
Noah LOVED making his Ss is for snake picture this week. He did great connecting the glue dots.

He also really enjoyed making the snake colorful with paint. Apparently this kind has purple eyes..

I also made Noah an Ss is for spider picture after seeing it on No Time for Flashcards. I say I made it because I did make it..the whole thing:( Noah absolutely refused to help with it, but I thought it was too cute not to finish. 
We pulled out the playdough and made snakes, spiders, and more.

We also got a little silly with the playdough and made snot. Yes I just typed snot....hey, it went with the Ss theme!

Noah worked on sorting pasta. Actually, he enjoyed pouring practice much more than the actual sorting, but at least he was happy:)

We also spent lots of time outside enjoying the sunshine! On Wednesday, our life group (bible study) at church finished up for the summer with a pool party and potluck. Jimmy had to work, but Noah had an absolute ball playing the pool with the other kids (there were 9 kids there, from Noah at 21 months up to the two teenage girls). I didn't get any pictures at the party since I had to be in the pool the WHOLE time with Noah, but he sure was worn out! He didn't even wake up for me to put on his pjs!

Otherwise this week, we pulled out some old favorite activities found in the pipe cleaners into a spice container.

Another fun thing we've been doing lately is working on learning the beat with music. Noah LOVES the Seeds Family Worship music, so we've been using that to pat the beat on our bellies, dance, and praise God all at the same time:)

Noah has a new-found love of coloring since we've set up an art table in his room. He especially enjoyed making Father's Day cards for Daddy and Papa:)

That's it for out week! See what others are up to in tot school and share your own ideas at 1+1+1=1!