Friday, December 4, 2009

thank you alexander fleming...

Noah says "I *heart* penicillin!!"....well, actually Noah *hearts* amoxicillin, but its basically the same thing..
After 9 days of guesswork about why Noah was still feeling cruddy, still had no appetite, and STILL had a fever (off and on), he was finally diagnosed with a serious double ear infection. ugh! Its a long story about why it took so long to get an actual diagnosis on him, and in our pediatrician's defense, things actually did start out as viral....but let's just say I will never waste my time in an ER where you have to ASK to have your child's ears even looked at during a physician's assessment unless Noah has a detached limb!

But I do have to say, I LOVE our pediatrician's office...they really are wonderful! And Noah is feeling much better now...back to his silly, funny little ways:) Just in time for lots of Christmas fun!

**and just in case you didn't know, alexander fleming discovered penicillin, hence my title:)


Colleen/And Baby Makes Five said...

Hooray for a happy, healthier, hungrier boy! SO glad Noah's on the mend...

Debbie said...

Glad to know he is feeling better. You know sometimes these infections can almost hide themselves until they get real bad. I agree though about emergency rooms they can be frustrating!