Monday, April 12, 2010

tot school - letter k

Tot School
Noah is 18 months old.

Letter Kk
Kk is for kite!

Well...Noah has been sick AGAIN, so this was a short (but fun!) week. He seems to have inherited both my terrible seasonal allergies, and affinity towards croup. Ugh! Thankfully, he's much better now after another round of meds. But anyway, these activities were definitely done in spurts when Noah was feeling up to it. Still, we had a great week of learning fun:)

Noah really, really enjoyed making his Kk is for Kite picture for his alphabet book. He marked on the kite with a black marker while running around the room for about 30 minutes before I could coax him into gluing the pieces down. He loved that too:) So this was an all around hit!

Noah also made a tissue paper kite using some leftover tissue paper from Easter. Gluing the tissue paper was a new challenge for him since it is so thin and sticks to your fingers, but he still enjoyed it!

Not sure why this came out sideways, but anyway...he also helped to lace the "string" for the kite's tail.

Another lacing activity...I homemade this one:) We worked on numbers, lacing the correct number of bows on to the kite tails. Noah LOVED this one! He has gotten very good at lacing after this week too.

Kite patterns from here. Noah did really great with this set..even the three colors one! I was very proud:)

Big/little Kk matching from here. Noah did great with this one too...

Finally from here, color matching kites. Noah really did great with all of the printables I had for him this week, which was a rare and happy treat:)

We also did a few kitchen-type activities for the letter K, including playing in the pots and pans, making yummy "treats" in his play kitchen, and washing dishes in his outdoor sink.

This was a great opportunity for pouring practice...

And practice drinking from a regular cup. He did great for a while, until he got silly and poured water everywhere!

Some other random activities we did this week included an alphabet review tray. I separated all of the parts of his alphabet eggs I made last week (and added Kk) and he had to match everything up.

This was WAY hard for him, but he did well with help. I'll probably continue to use it too as review for all of the letters we've learned.

Noah LOVED this spring window clings from the Target dollar section. He played with these forever!
Noah also did the flower shape sorting activity I shared last week for more spring activities. I didn't do any of the other things I had planned because he wasn't feeling well, but I'm hoping to use them later.

Finally, Noah got some new, harder puzzles from Target as well ($3 for a 3-pack!). He amazed me with these! His favorite by far is the body parts puzzle, but the weather one is a close second:)

That's all for our week....sorry I was a bit late on getting it up. With all of the sickness (I had a sinus infection over the weekend too), we've been dragging our behinds around here!

See what others are doing for Tot School and share your own ideas at 1+1+1=1!


Beth said...

super cute ideas, and i love the outdoor water table. where did you find it?

sbswtp said...

what a fun week!!!!

htebazile said...

Great week, I love your kite activities!!

Rachelle said...

Thanks for the reply ;-) That makes me feel so much better... I wing it too! Seems like 75% of the things he doesn't want to do other than color. I figure it is a learning and growing process, so I keep trying, maybe he will like something eventually ;-)
I am actually seeing some payoff, he is recognizing colors and letters! YAY! So it is having an impact :-)
Z pretty much just loves to scribble and call everything an "o". He he. He is definitely not into sorting or matching, but I keep trying!
Again, thanks!